How to Reset and Recharge After A Slump

We’ve all been there. The weekend hits. You have a few too many drinks with friends. Maybe a cheeky takeaway order or two has slipped into your diet. 

You’re feeling under the weather, have a few regrets, and your stomach needs a holiday. 

But there are some easy things you can put into practice to reset your health and fitness and get back on the bandwagon to help you look and feel your best again. Here are our top 5 things to do to reset.

1. Move your body

It doesn’t matter what you do, a 45-minute walk or a gentle yoga session will fit the bill, but get up and get your body moving, preferably out in the sunshine. I don’t know about you, but when I exercise I feel better, I tend to make better food choices and I also enjoy it for my mental health and state of mind. So pick something that feels achievable to you, and get up and move.

2. Drink water

After a big weekend or busy period, your water intake is usually low, leaving you feeling dehydrated and possibly hungrier than you normally would, which might make you reach for things you wouldn’t normally eat. Focusing on getting at least 3 litres of water in a day will help rehydrate you, so you feel more focussed and clearer, and help improve your mood out of the slump you might have found yourself in.

3. Sleep

Nothing helps repair your body more than getting a good night’s sleep, and if you’ve been reaching for alcohol a bit lately, chances are your sleep won’t have been optimal, even if you’ve been having a bit of it. Sleep is so important to support your brain function and maintain your physical health, and can have negative impacts and create long-term health issues over time if you don’t get enough of it. Try to go to bed half an hour earlier on weeks when you might feel like you need a reset, to help your body repair and recover.

4. Eat nutritious food

I don’t know about you, but when I’m busy or tired, food tends to be the first thing that slips down my priority list. I either don’t eat or because I’m running around with no clear plan, I grab cheap takeaways or random packaged goods from the supermarket to tie me over. However, eating nutritionally dense food will help give you the energy you need to do all the things, as well as help build a stronger immune system so you can carry on doing what you need to do without illness. Adding extra protein into your diet when you’re busy or run down can help you feel fuller for longer, and also helps your body repair cells and make new ones, giving you clarity and energy.

5. Be kind to yourself

It’s easy when you are in a slump to feel negative towards yourself and your body. But be kind, remember we all go through tough seasons and you are just trying your best. Journaling and meditation can be great tools to incorporate into your day to help you let go of the things you can’t control, and focus on what is in your control right now.


The Importance of Protein in Your Diet