How to Set Achievable Goals

When setting goals, people talk about setting SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. However, when you are trying to set a new goal, it can be overwhelming to know how to implement these and what it actually means. 

Let’s say you have a goal to run more. To make that a SMART goal, you need to break down how you are actually going to achieve this.


To start with, you need to get more specific. Instead of just saying “I want to run more” say “I want to run 10km”. 

Then, you need to time-bound yourself. Pick the date you are going to run 10km. Ideally, enter an event so you will have other people around you when you are doing the goal. 


Now you have your distance and time, make it achievable. Give yourself three months between when you decide you want to run 10km and when you are starting. In those 12 weeks, work up to the event. In week one, run 2km, in week two, run 3km, and so on until you get up to a distance you are happy with. Then you can add in other things, like working on your speed, but if that is too much then keep it simple. 

By entering an event, you are making it measurable, as you know you’ve achieved the goal when you finish the event. 


And finally, make sure it’s relevant. If you are not a runner, then don’t decide to run. Pick something that is a challenge, but one you are going to enjoy. Then you can apply this principle to anything you are trying to achieve, to make sure you are taking steps towards achieving your goals, and not aimlessly doing things that aren’t actually supporting the life you want to lead. 


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